Our helpline: 01924 200799 Mon, Tue, Thu 9am-4pm | Wed, Fri 9am-8pm

Support volunteers

Many people say that it really helps to be able to talk about what’s happened to others who really listen and understand – especially people who’ve been through miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy themselves.  We call this “peer support”.

Support Group Volunteers

Our support group volunteers run monthly groups where people who have experienced pregnancy loss can meet to share their thoughts and feelings and offer each other support and friendship.  Some groups meet face to face and others meet on Zoom – see here for our current list.

At present, we’re not looking to establish any new support groups, but if you are keen to set one up, or would like to help with an existing group, please get in touch with us and we’ll send you more information.

Please note, these roles require certain skills and experience and there is an interview process.

Telephone Support Volunteers

Our telephone support volunteers are people with personal experience of pregnancy loss who offer time to talk and a listening ear.

At present, we’re not seeking new telephone support volunteers but will announce here if that situation changes.  

Please note, this role requires certain skills and experience and there is an interview process.

Supportive members of our online peer support spaces

Some members of our online community help to provide online support, especially on our online support forum and in our Facebook groups.  This is not a formal volunteering role, but they are valued members of our online community, helping to offer support whenever they are able to.

You are warmly invited to read our guidelines on being a supportive member of the forum and/or Facebook so that you can consider if this is something you would like to do.