If you’ve had a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy or you’re worried that it might happen, it can be really important to have good, clear and accurate information. It can also help family, friends and colleagues.
As well as the text on this website, we publish a range of leaflets about the facts and feelings of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and molar pregnancy. We also provide a a list of other useful publications and to other connected websites.
Our leaflets are available here free to read online or to print off and read. If you would prefer to have a printed leaflet or leaflets, you can contact us here.
If you are a UK-based health professional or employer and would like to order our information leaflets for your patients or employees, click here. All our printed leaflets are available to organisations at no cost and there is no charge for delivery, either.
We welcome feedback about our leaflets, please do feel free to email us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions: info@miscarriageassociation.org.uk.
Standard leaflets
Why me?
Miscarriages happen for lots of different reasons. Sometimes the cause is known but often it isn’t. Some women benefit from treatment but others don’t need it. This leaflet looks at the possible causes of miscarriage and the tests and treatment that might help you.
Management of miscarriage
This leaflet is for anyone who is having to make difficult choices at an already distressing time, or perhaps trying to find out more about what has happened already.
Recurrent miscarriage
A single miscarriage can be very distressing; and it can be devastating if the next pregnancy fails too ... and then the next. This leaflet looks at the known and possible causes of recurrent miscarriage and the tests and treatments that might help you.
Miscarriage and the workplace
This leaflet contains information and support for employees, employers, managers, HR and colleagues, regarding miscarriage, ectopic or molar pregnancy.
Your feelings after miscarriage
Every miscarriage is different; and there is no right way to feel about it. This leaflet looks at how your loss might affect you, your partner and other people in your life. It also suggests ways to help you through.
Looking after your mental health during and after pregnancy loss
We all need to look after our mental health. But experiencing pregnancy loss may mean you need to take even greater care of yourself for a while. This leaflet aims to help you through.
Partners Too
Pregnancy loss - miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy - can be very distressing. The physical experience can be traumatic. But you have also experienced a loss. We hope that this leaflet will help you understand and cope with your own feelings about your loss as well as your partner’s.
Men and miscarriage
Miscarriage can be a very distressing experience for a couple, even they feel it in different ways. We hope that this leaflet will help you to understand and cope with your own feelings about your miscarriage as well as your partner’s. N.B. The leaflet 'Partners Too' is for partners of any gender.
Pregnancy loss and infertility
This leaflet is for everyone who has experienced infertility and miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. We hope you will find something here which will help you.
Thinking about another pregnancy
Miscarriage can be a very unhappy and frightening experience. Even some time later you may still be coping with feelings of shock and great sadness. You may also be feeling anxious about the future – especially about trying again.
Pregnancy after loss
For many people who have experienced miscarriage, ectopic or molar pregnancy, finding out they are pregnant again can bring with it a mixture of hope and anxiety. We hope this leaflet will help people through.
Supporting someone you know
It can be difficult to know how best to support someone who has a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy. This leaflet aims to help you know what to say and do to offer comfort and support when you may be needed most.
Talking to children about miscarriage
This leaflet aims to help you to handle miscarriage with children. We have written it mostly for parents, but we hope it will also be useful if you are a relative or friend, or if you work with children.
When the trying stops
For some women and their partners, there comes a time when they begin to think about stopping their attempts to have a baby.
Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy can be a very distressing and frightening experience. This leaflet aims to explain what ectopic pregnancy is, to provide you with information and to answer some of the most common questions about both facts and feelings. We hope this will help at what can be a very difficult time.
Molar pregnancy
We have written this leaflet for women and their partners who have been affected by a molar pregnancy (also called a hydatidiform mole).
Second trimester loss: late miscarriage
Most miscarriages happen in the first 12 or 13 weeks of pregnancy. It is much less usual to miscarry after 13 weeks and if this has happened to you, you may have been very shocked. We do hope that this leaflet helps a little at what might be a very difficult time.
Antiphospholipid syndrome and pregnancy loss
We have written this leaflet for women and their partners, who have had recurrent miscarriages and have also been diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome.
Your miscarriage
Miscarriage can be a very distressing experience. Apart from the emotional upset, you have to cope with the physical trauma of the miscarriage. And you have to face the loss of all the pregnancy meant to you as your body returns to normal. This leaflet has been designed to help you.
Miscarriage: The facts and your feelings
A leaflet for young people, to help you understand your feelings and the facts about miscarriage.
Targeted advertising & how to stop it
Information about how to stop or reduce targeted advertising or emailings after pregnancy loss.
Contact card
A pocket-sized card carrying details on how to access the Miscarriage Association's services including the helpline, email and website.
Other language leaflets
We are sorry you’ve had a miscarriage (Urdu)
We are sorry you’ve had a miscarriage (Punjabi)
We are sorry you’ve had a miscarriage (Polish)
We are sorry you’ve had a miscarriage (Turkish)
We are sorry you’ve had a miscarriage (Gujarati)
We are sorry you’ve had a miscarriage (Bangla)
We are sorry you’ve had a miscarriage (Arabic)
Accessible leaflets
Miscarriage Information Booklet, illustrated
This illustrated leaflet has been written with the support of people with learning disabilities. It is clear and easy to read and could be useful for anyone with reading difficulties. Please note that the pictures are very graphic.
Your miscarriage (For D/deaf people)
A leaflet for a range of D/deaf people. We use clear plain English on the left hand page. There is more detail on the right hand page.
Your miscarriage (Illustrated)
This leaflet, published in 2011, has been written and illustrated to make the information easier to understand. It is available as a pdf only. See also the Miscarriage Information Booklet, published in 2018.