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Virtual Hugs

Our Virtual Hugs are a series of warm and thoughtful images for you to download and send as a message to someone you know who’s experienced a miscarriage, ectopic or molar pregnancy.

We developed these Virtual Hugs during the coronavirus pandemic lockdown, when supporting someone close to you going through pregnancy loss was much harder to do. We hope that they will continue to make it just that little bit easier for you to show you care, even from afar. Your support will help to offer comfort, and will remind your friends or family member that they’re not alone and that their loss matters.

Pregnancy loss during the coronavirus pandemic

Restrictions in place in the UK due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic meant that we couldn’t simply rush round to visit a friend or family member and give them a real hug.

It has also been an even tougher time to be going through pregnancy loss. With many hospital services being limited and many women experiencing a miscarriage or with worrying symptoms having to go to hospital appointments alone. During lockdown women and their partners couldn’t see their friends and family or visit the places that might have brought them some much needed comfort at such a difficult time. All of this can add to feelings of distress and isolation. People have also been worried that their grief is not as important or as valid because of the impact of the pandemic on everyone else around them.

However, as much as the pandemic distanced us all, it also brought people and communities together as we tried to help each other through with acts of kindness. If there was ever a time when we can all appreciate how much it means for someone to reach out to show some support, it’s now.

Not long ago I miscarried my first baby. I don’t think I could’ve coped if it wasn’t for my family, friends and work colleagues during such a horrific time for me, but also a strange time for everyone with COVID-19.  Virtual Hugs is the most warm, comforting idea for anyone in such a difficult time. Knowing someone is thinking about you and there for you is a massive help. Sending a virtual hug could mean the absolute world to someone.

Choose a Virtual Hug to send 

Click on an image below, save, and send it to someone you know who might really need a Virtual Hug right now. These images are suitable for any kind of texting/messaging service:



These images are available to download free of charge, but, if you’d like to, you can make a donation to support our work here. Thank you.

The images are by illustrator Claire Goble.

We know it can sometimes be hard to know what to say to someone who’s had a miscarriage. Our Supporting someone through pregnancy loss page provides some more helpful ideas and information.

I would be really touched to receive one of these pictures. They are especially perfect for people who aren’t quite sure of the right words to use, they say it for you.