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Sat at the computer, staring at the blank white screen,

Having so much to say, but feeling stuck in a dream,

It all feels a blur, misty and hazy,

The confusion and pain has left you feeling so crazy,

Above all else, questioning is at the fore,

Was it my fault? Is the blame at my door?

Then you’re pulled back to reality by the voices of others,

Wanting to shout at them, ‘BUT WE WERE STILL THEIR MOTHERS!’

Through no fault of their own, they don’t know what to say,

Or the words that they choose, stay on replay,

‘You’ve not lost it have you?’ ‘At least you can have another try’,

Somehow you muster the strength to lie,

Nodding and appeasing, just to get some space,

Feeling as though healing is some kind of race,

‘Isn’t it about time that you moved on?’

‘Think of the time that has been and gone’,

But it will never leave me, that feeling of loss,

Fully aware that I must bear that cross,

A conflict of emotions, sad, guilty and raw,

What right do I have to feel so unsure,

I have a child, the light of my life,

So grateful for her, so then why all the strife?

Surrounded by people, feeling so very alone,

Trying to move forward, into the unknown,

But it’s ok to feel, whatever you do,

For as long as you need, because you will get through,

We’re in it together, those of us that know,

And from this day on I wish to bestow,

My pledge to you ladies, that I’ll always be an ear,

To listen to all that you feel, I’m here.

So let’s remember that no matter how hard it is now,

Let’s come together and make each other a vow,

That none of us are alone, it’s ok to feel,

We will never forget, but together we’ll heal,

Never think you must keep your thoughts at bay,

Find another of us and just SIMPLY SAY.


By Alexandra


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