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I hadn’t told anyone I was pregnant when I had a miscarriage

Sophia writes about how she coped with a miscarriage when she was 16.

I wasn’t given much support with anything, I don’t know what I wanted I guess I just needed someone to tell me it would be ok.

I had a really weird pain and it felt like I was being kicked

When I was 16 I realised that I was pregnant, I was in shock and didn’t tell anyone! I hadn’t been with that partner long and it was a huge shock. I ignored it for a few months, but in March 2006 it was too late. I woke up in more pain than I had ever felt!! I was bleeding heavily and could hardly walk. I had a really weird pain and it felt like I was being kicked in the stomach and ‘down below’. I was home alone and didn’t know what to do, I went to the bathrooms and sat on the toilet. After around an hour I had even worse pain and began to push down. I’m not sure how long that last but I heard a splash and instantly knew what it was.

I was sent home from hospital with nothing more than an empty feeling

I rang the hospital and explained everything, they were rude and told me to just flush the toilet or bring ‘it’ in. I’d never felt so belittled and helpless in my life. I went to the hospital and a had a check over and was sent home with nothing more than an empty feeling. I wasn’t told that I would keep bleeding or feel so crappy, I wasn’t told how difficult it would be to deal with and process. I was later told that I have a condition that makes conception hard, so when I found out I was pregnant again I was terrified!!

My family didn’t know for a few months

I wasn’t given much support with anything, I don’t know what I wanted I guess I just needed someone to tell me it would be ok. My family didn’t know for a few months and when we told them they didn’t say much, my friends weren’t sure what to say. Thankfully my rainbow was born in October 2007, unfortunately since her birth I have had more miscarriages, the most recent in January and again I didn’t get much more than the GP saying we can try again when we feel ready. We’re still trying now and hoping that we will soon have another rainbow.

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