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Ectopic pregnancy

Everyone is different, but many women say that ectopic pregnancy is a very upsetting and frightening experience, even if they weren’t planning to have a baby.

Your feelings after an ectopic pregnancy

There is no right or wrong way to feel after an ectopic pregnancy and you may find that you have lots of ups and downs in the days, weeks and months after your loss.  Some common feelings are:

Everything happened so quickly. I never had time to think about it until after my operation.  Once I was discharged from hospital I was left feeling very alone with so many ‘what ifs’ running through my head.

Everyone tells me how lucky I am to be alive.  But I’ve lost my baby and I just feel so empty.

In ‘Your stories’, Jessica expresses both sadness and hope after her ectopic pregnancy. You can read more stories from people who’ve experienced ectopic pregnancies here.

Getting support after an ectopic pregnancy

The experience of ectopic pregnancy can be extremely distressing.  You may feel very relieved to be alive and free from pain, yet still feel deeply sad at the loss of your baby and anxious about the future.  Your partner may have similar feelings, or might be more concerned about your health, especially if you were treated as an emergency.

Whatever your feelings and anxieties, you don’t have to bear them alone.  You might find it helpful to contact our staffed helpline or to join our online forum, which has a dedicated board for molar pregnancy.  You’ll find more details here of where you can find support from others who will understand.