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Please note that the content of the following books do not necessarily express the opinions of the Miscarriage Association. Most books should be available from good bookshops and often through the internet. Books marked out of print may be available online or through your library.

By clicking on the title of each book, in most cases, a new window will open at Amazon, the online retailer. If you purchase a book via this link, it will generate a commission payment to the Miscarriage Association (at no cost to you). Prices shown here are only a guide – copies may also be available in hardback and/or second hand.


A loss misunderstood

PIERIS, Jaclyn

ISBN: 978-0-99094-248-1

The story of the author’s challenging path to parenthood, written gently, clearly and with insight. Questions are posed at the end of each chapter to provide couples with an opportunity to put their own stories and their range of emotions down on paper.

Published by Changing Lives Press 2016.

A Piece of My Heart. Living Through the Grief of Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Infant Death

FUMIA, Molly

A personal account of how grief at the loss of a baby can eventually lead to healing.

£12.99 (in print) Published by Conari Press 2000

A Thousand Splendid Suns


Novel featuring pregnancy loss

£11.99 (in print) Published by Bloomsbury 2007

About What Was Lost


A collection of personal stories from writers that have all experienced miscarriage.

£15.00 (only from USA) Published by Penguin Group 2007

Angels of the Heart


A very moving and powerful collection of poetry written by parents who have lost a child before or after birth. Copies also available from The Miscarriage Association. Limited availability.

£5.00 (in print) Published by Dillons 1992

Beyond Childlessness: For Every Woman Who Ever Wanted to Have a Child – And Didn’t

BLACK, Rachel & SCULL, Louise

This book is aimed primarily at women over 35 who are learning to live with their childless state and is mainly a series of extremely insightful quotes regarding infertility; grieving processes; coping mechanisms and moving on, including a very interesting section on the fear of old age. Highly recommended for anyone in the position of trying to cope and accept their childlessness.

£12.99 (in print) Published by Rodale International Ltd 2005

Coming to Term: Uncovering the Truth About Miscarriage


Written by a science journalist with personal experience of recurrent miscarriage, this book sets out to gather the most comprehensive and accurate information on miscarriage, but also includes personal stories of pregnancy loss and success. His conclusions: that good quality research studies show that the chance of a successful outcome after previous loss is much higher than is usually quoted; and that for unexplained recurrent loss, the most successful ‘treatment’ appears to be tender loving care.

£9.95 (in print) Published by Rutgers University Press 2007

Coping with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

CRAGGS-HINTON, Christine & BALEN, Prof. Adam. H

This book is both very informative and helpful. It helps to give a clearer understanding of the condition.

£7.99 (in print) Published by Sheldon 2008

Empty Cradle, Broken Heart

DAVIS, Deborah L, PhD.

A book that is highly recommended for anyone wanting to read about the emotional aspects of miscarriage.

£(contact publisher) (in print) Published by Fulcrum Publishing 1996

Fathers Feel Too

DON, Andrew

A set of ten short stories, each written by a father describing the death of his baby. This book describes the pain from the man’s perspective, and the triangle of emotions he feels for his partner, his lost child and himself.

£9.99 (in print) Published by Bosun Publications 2005

Forever Our Angels

STONE, Hannah

Includes others’ experience of pregnancy loss, showing just how common it is and letting us know we are not alone. Well written.

£9.50 (in print) Published by Lulu.com 2006

Getting Pregnant and Staying Pregnant

RAAB, Diana

Well researched, it looks at overcoming infertility and also the management of ‘high risk’ pregnancy. Informative and easy to read, it explains complex terminology in simple terms and with the use of useful diagrams. Limited availability.

£12.99 (in print) Published by Hunter House 1999

Goodbye Baby

GRIFFITHS, Gillian & MACLEOD, Lindsay

A helpful and comforting book for children and parents who need to talk about pregnancy loss. This book covers the different ways people, including children, can feel after loss, thoughts of heaven and ways of remembering a loss.

With special thanks to Gillian and Lindsay, we are able to offer this book free to download here.

Help, Comfort and Hope


Focusing primarily on stillbirth, the book provides a valuable insight into the sense of loss felt by parents and provides tools for coping with the loss of a baby in pregnancy or at birth.

£9.99 (in print) Published by Da Capo Press 2004

Hidden Loss: Miscarriage and Ectopic Pregnancy


Reprinted and updated, this is a book offering personal accounts, the experience of bereavement, GP and hospital practice, and information about the known causes of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. Offers a feminist approach to pregnancy loss.

£7.99 (in print) Published by Women’s Press 1996

If It Happens to You


Gives a personal insight into the experiences, feelings and needs of families following late miscarriage and stillbirth. Limited availability.

£4.95 (in print) Published by A & A Farmar 1994

If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things


Novel featuring pregnancy loss

£6.99 (in print) Published by Bloomsbury 2003

Living with Hughes Syndrome: Your Essential Guide to ‘Sticky Blood’

HOLDEN, Triona

Excellent account of the auto-immune disease Hughes Syndrome, combining detail and personal accounts of sufferers. The whole body is taken into account (i.e. not just pregnancy-related).

£6.99 (in print) Published by Sheldon Press (Order forms available from the M.A.) 2002

Living With Leo


A father’s account of the first year after the loss of his son, who died when he was one day old. The book is moving, the poems bring tears, and the author pulls no punches in describing his devastation. One of the ways he came to terms with his loss was by writing a monthly letter to his son and these letters form the backbone of the book.

£9.99 (in print) Published by Bosun Publications 2004

Losing a Baby

EWING, Sarah

This book offers comfort and advice for those mourning the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, neo-natal or cot death. It includes personal testimonies, practical tips and suggestions and personal accounts of coping strategies.

£7.99 (in print) Published by Sheldon Press 2005

Miracle Babies


A book of hope for those seeking comfort, with personal accounts from the author, other women – and some men – who have had successful pregnancies after infertility and loss. For people who are looking for some light at the end of the tunnel and some positive news, the book provides good support and some hopeful and really uplifting stories.

£9.99 (in print) Published by Aphrodite Books 2006

Miscarriage After Infertility: A Woman’s Guide to Coping

FREDA, Margaret Comerford & SEMELSBERGER, Carrie F

An exploration of the feelings which might be experienced when a woman miscarries after having suffered fertility problems. Limited availability.

£(contact publisher) (only from USA) Published by Fairview Press 2003

Miscarriage, Medicine and Miracles

YOUNG, Bruce. K & ZAVATTO, Amy

Available from April 2009: This book will benefit both those looking for medical advice or answers but also those looking for some comfort. As the title suggests, Dr Young appears to write from the standpoint that there is always hope.

£10.16 (in print) Published by Bantam

Miscarriage: Guidelines for Good Practice

MOULDER, Christine

Guidelines for professionals extracted from: Moulder, Christine. Miscarriage: Women’s Experiences and Needs.

£(contact publisher) (from The MA) Published by The Miscarriage Association

Miscarriage: What Every Woman Needs to Know – A Positive New Approach

REGAN, Professor Lesley

Offers clear and well written current information on recurrent miscarriage. The author describes her professional experience and gives information on the current thinking on causes, tests and potential treatment of miscarriage, including supportive care in pregnancy.

£8.99 (in print) Published by Orion 2001

Miscarriage: Women Sharing From the Heart

ALLEN, Marie & MARKS, Shelley

Sensitively written with shared experiences of 100 women who have suffered miscarriage, this book is recommended as a resource for women and those close to her. Excellent ideas and examples of how to access deep feelings to help move towards grieving and healing. Limited availability.

£9.99 (in print) Published by John Wiley & Sons Limited 1993

Miscarriage: Women’s Experiences and Needs

MOULDER, Christine

Highly recommended. Emphasises the importance of women’s needs. For general/professional use.

£12.99 (in print) Published by Routledge (Order forms available from the M.A.) 2001

Our Stories of Miscarriage


Collections of reflections, short stories, journal entries and poems. Beautiful, powerful and offers comfort and hope. Limited availability.

£11.99 (in print) Published by Fairview Press 1997

Pink For a Girl


A personal account of a woman’s feelings during fertility treatment, a miscarriage and coming to terms with a childless future. Well-written, clear and simple to read.

£9.99 (in print) Published by Hay House Inc 2006

Planning a Baby? A Complete Guide to Pre-Conceptual Care

BREWER, Dr Sarah

A well presented book aiming to give potential parents full and clear information needed before conception and during the vital first weeks of pregnancy. Contains three main sections: Information relating to the mother, father and conception. It also contains a section on miscarriage.

£8.99 (in print) Published by Vermillion 2004

Pregnancy After a Loss: A Guide to Pregnancy After a Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Infant Death


Informative and supportive book for people who are pregnant of thinking of becoming pregnant after a loss. (Only available from USA – or order online from amazon.co.uk)

£14.95 (in print) Published by G P Putnam’s Sons 1999


BURKE, Richard

A crime thriller with a threatened miscarriage at the centre. Not for those seeking solace from a recent miscarriage.

£10.99 (in print) Published by Orion 2006

Remembering Our Angels: Personal Stories of Healing From a Pregnancy Loss

STONE, Hannah

A follow-up to Forever our Angels, this is more useful for healing and managing grief, with many good ideas of how to cope after pregnancy loss.

£12.50 (in print) Published by Lulu.com 2007

Salt Water & Honey

LIZZIE, Lowrie

Lizzie Lowrie shares her painful struggles to have a child, allowing us to have a sense of how that feels as miscarriage follows miscarriage.  She wrestles too with her faith. For others facing similar struggles, people of any faith or of none, there is comfort to be had in knowing they are not alone and that there may be different and gentler times ahead.

£9.99 (in print) Published by Authentic. 2020

Small Sparks of Life

SIZOO, Lysanne

The sensitive author gives comfort to all who have lost babies. Her humour is well used, a relief in such a deep topic. It makes you feel human, less alone and uplifted. Ultimately giving hope.

£6.50 (in print) Published by Librario Publishing Ltd. 2005

The Cervical Stitch (Shirodkar Suture): What It’s Like


A good practical guide to the effects of a Cervical Stitch gathered from the experiences of women having a stitch. It clearly details the benefits, and drawbacks from the woman’s perspective. Limited availability.

£2.50 (in print) Published by Miscarriage Association (Also available as a photocopy from the M.A.) 1986

The Time Traveller’s Wife


Novel featuring pregnancy loss. An unusual love story between Henry and Clare. Henry involuntarily time travels through his and Clare’s life.

£7.99 (in print) Published by Vintage 2005

These Precious Little People

BRUNKER, Frankie & GAMBLE, Gillian (illustrations)

A beautiful book, which explains baby loss in a simple way for children. It covers a range of situations and emotions, providing comfort and helping to make things a bit easier to talk about.

£7.50 (in print) Published by Independent Publishing Network 2018

To Have an Only Child


Balanced and thought-provoking, recognising that for many people, having an only child is not a personal choice but the result of circumstances. Limited availability.

£10.00 (in print) Published by Do It Yourself Press 2005

Trying Again: A Guide to Pregnancy After Miscarriage


This is a detailed and informative book for anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby with a guide to feelings and practical information. It is written with sensitivity and understanding towards the mother and father. It is book that could assist friends, family and medical professionals in offering support to couples that have experienced miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss.

£12.99 (in print) Published by Taylor Trade Publishing 2000

Understanding Infertility


A great little volume, recommended to anyone seeking basic, easy to read information regarding fertility issues. Although not specifically dealing with miscarriage, it is full of useful information and honest expectations with regard to anyone experiencing fertility problems and outcomes.

£2.50 (in print) Published by Family Doctors Publications 2000

Understanding Pregnancy Loss: Perspectives and Issues in Care

MOULDER, Christine

This book is particularly useful for professionals and those in training, pointing as it does, to the uniqueness of the individual experience.

£24.99 (in print) Published by Macmillan Press 1998



A moving and fast-paced novel. This book describes 40 year-old Lydia’s attempts to come to terms with the loss of her four babies, whilst simultaneously dealing with the disintegration of her relationship with the father and difficult secrets between family and friends.

£10.99 (in print), £2.99 (Kindle) Published by Retreat West Books 2019

Unspeakable Losses


Written by a psychotherapist, this book explains the reasons behind often unaccountably strong feelings after pregnancy loss and provides an honest but reassuring analysis of the normality of such reactions. Provides guidance for a way forward out of the pain and loss. Limited availability.

£9.99 (in print) Published by William Morrow 2000

Waiting for Charlie


This story of a move from London to the country also describes the emotional rollercoaster a relationship can suffer as a result of unexplained miscarriage. Even so, it is not all doom and gloom, but rather a story of strength, determination and heart.

Price: £8.99 (in print) Milton Publishing, 2016

We Lost Our Baby

O’NEILL-WHITE, Siobhan & WHITE, David

This book is about a couple’s personal account of miscarriage. It is a very good and comforting read to anyone who has suffered a miscarriage.

£8.95 (in print) Published by Liffey Press 2007

When a Baby Dies: The Experience of Late Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Neonatal Death

KOHNER, Nancy & HENLEY, Alix

Sensitive and compassionate, this book is recommended for parents experiencing the loss of a baby. Contains personal accounts from other parents. Offers information on the reasons for the death, grieving, getting support and the handling of the loss in hospitals. Also has two chapters on “looking forward”.

£11.99 (in print) Published by Routledge (Order forms available from the M.A.) 2001

When Your Baby Dies


A concise, comforting and practical guide for parents who have experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death.

£3.99 (in print) Published by Augsburg (Order forms available from the M.A.) 2002

Where are you Lydie?


A beautifully illustrated storybook for children who have been affected by the loss of a sibling. The book is written from the experience of stillbirth, but is a helpful read for families who have lost a baby through miscarriage too. It’s an honest, sensitive and comforting story about two brothers trying to decide what to do, on what would have been their sister Lydie’s first birthday.

£9.99 (in print) Published 2017

Without You

SIMPSON, Deborah

A collection of poetry written by Deborah Simpson as a tribute to her son Gabriel, miscarried in August 2002. Each poem expresses her thoughts and feelings at a different time.

£2.00 (in print) Published by Elven Hearts Paperback 2003

Your Pregnancy Week by Week

REGAN, Professor Lesley

Professor Lesley Regan explains the process of pregnancy and birth in language accessible to everyone. There is a brief section addressing the subject of miscarriage but the emphasis is on the positive, that most women do carry a baby to full term. N.B. Each section is illustrated with detailed photographs of the baby’s development.

£18.99 (in print) Published by Dorling Kindersley 2005