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How can I support my employees affected by pregnancy loss?

4th March 2024

According to the recent CIPD report, 63% of employers provide little to no support for those affected by pregnancy loss. In this blog, we’re going to show you how you can implement lasting support in your organisation.

As an employer, it can be difficult to know how to support colleagues or staff affected by pregnancy loss. Everyone deals with their experiences differently, so it’s important to understand that there is no ‘one size fits all’ support package that will suit everyone – but acknowledging their loss is really important.

Ensuring that you and your senior leadership team have sufficient training in how pregnancy loss can affect employees, and in how to implement the right support across your organisation is vital. It’s important to include a policy in your efforts, so that those who experience pregnancy loss, and those whose partners have experienced it, have structure and concrete support, when they return.

If you’re not sure about how to support your employee – it’s often best to ask them what they feel they need and know that this may change over time.

Check in, ask how they’re doing, and listen. Ask if they need anything, and when appropriate, how they would like to manage their return to work.

In short, it’s best to be flexible and employee led.


Listening to those who know.

We asked our online community what they found helpful from their employer – we hope you find this feedback useful. (You can find more comments left by our community here.)

  • “My manager was amazing. She told the team in my behalf so I didn’t have to say it out loud. She gave me the time I needed and made sure that I eased back in to work life at my own pace. My first day back she walked with me into the office. 5 months on and she is still so aware of my triggers and emotions. Forever thankful to her (and my team).”
  • “Business owners/managers should always communicate openly to ensure the employee feels supported but to also discuss plans to reintegrate back to work.”
  • “I met with my manager after a month of being off in person and she was so caring and just listened to work with me to make a plan about coming back, suggested staggered return which was the best thing I could’ve done… the first few shifts back were very rocky and full of tears but my senior nurses made sure I was never crying alone and when I asked to avoid pregnancy cases they made sure it happened.”
  • “After many complications post miscarriage, I was off work for a good 6 weeks. My work were extremely understanding and didn’t pressure me to come back until I felt I was ready. My line manager checked in weekly and popped round once to see me at my home as they genuinely cared. Couldn’t have asked for better support.”
  • “I think being given the choice as to if/how your colleagues (and customers) are told so that people aren’t asking when you return to work. I was 5 months pregnant so it was visibly very obvious I wasn’t pregnant any more when I returned to work. Being buddied up with someone who can be your voice box when those situations do arise would be good, you could stipulate what you want them to say on your behalf… I gave my staff unlimited time off after miscarriages, on full pay. None of them took more than 4 weeks off. You just need to remove the pressure of work.”
  • “We have pregnancy loss leave in our special leave policy, new addition this year which I was so grateful for. 2 weeks paid. You can have this however many times you need it – no limits within a year’s period. I also spoke to my manager and chose to share with the team that I have had a miscarriage which helped on my return.”


How can we help you implement support for those affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and molar pregnancy?

Our research, backed up by a major report from the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Professional Development), shows a lack of support from employers and managers can mean reduced productivity, lower standards of work, increased absence and even resignation. Our training workshops, bespoke sessions, consultancy, and policy guidance can help you retain your team, improve their wellbeing, and create a better, more positive work environment.


We offer a variety of training and consultancy options that can help you implement long lasting support that really matters. We currently offer a discount for not for profits – get in touch to find out more.

“I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you. I’ve had so many people get in touch already to say that it was a really well pitched, sensitive and informative session.”

We can also support your team to draft and implement and implement a new policy or review existing materials, with our focus on the sensitivities and language around pregnancy loss.

“The Miscarriage Association gave me the guidance and tools I needed to use the right language, tone and approach to speak about pregnancy loss and develop an inclusive policy.”

Our Pregnancy Loss Pledge, which now covers over 1 million employees, is a fantastic way to show a commitment to your employees, and meet the standards that all employers should meet in pregnancy loss policies and practices. Pauline Holroyd, Group HR Director of Network Rail, said,

“We want to support those who experience the loss of a baby as we recognise the effect this can have on physical and mental wellbeing. Signing the Pregnancy Loss Pledge demonstrates our commitment to support employees during a difficult time in their lives.”



To find out more about these offerings, or for any questions you may have about how you can be there for colleagues and staff affected by pregnancy loss, please email vicki@miscarriageassociation.org.uk.


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