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An invitation to join us for our special Wave of Light event to remember lost babies

7th October 2020

To coincide with the culmination of Baby Loss Awareness Week, we’ll be coming together for a special Zoom event in memory of babies lost during pregnancy or at or soon after birth.

Our Wave of Light event will take place at 7pm on Thursday 15th October and we are inviting you to join us in lighting a candle, or candles, and for some quiet reflection.

While the candles are burning, we’ll also be remembering babies by reading out their names, or other important details, and the event will be rounded off with the reading of a poem.

Our Wave of Light events are being led by some of our volunteer support group leaders and are open to anyone in the UK, with a specific event being held for Northern Ireland.

If you would like to join us, we’re asking you to register in advance by using our online form here. You can also use this form to tell us if you would like a name or other details reading out on the evening.

We aim to accommodate as many people as possible but we expect demand to be high, so please do register as soon as you can – the closing date for registrations is 12noon on Wednesday 14th October. All members of the family are welcome to join us – you only need to register once per household.

We will send the Zoom link to all those registered on the morning of the 15th October. (Please remember to check your spam folders and if you have not received the link by 1pm, contact juanita@miscarriageassociation.org.uk who will resend it for you.)

Do please make sure that you are on Zoom no later than 6.50pm on the 15th October so that we have time to admit you to the event in time for the start.

Baby Loss Awareness Week starts on Friday 9th October and this year’s theme is ‘isolation’, which is especially relevant during the current pandemic.

The annual global Wave of Light, with candles burning across social media channels, will be starting at the same time. If you’re attending our event there will be plenty of time afterwards to join in and share a photo if you wish. You will just need to search for the hashtag #WaveofLight.

For more information about Baby Loss Awareness Week, click here.

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